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Second Home incense

Inherit the trait of excellent design and craftmantship of Second Home products, we proudly announce an entirely new product category. Incense. 


As always, Second Home strive to deliver the best quality product to our customer, “Purify” and “Enlightening” incenses are no exception, each incense is hand rolled and made with the best ingredients available in the market. Customers would also appreciate the lovely packaging. I could only describe so much of how beautifully designed the wooden box is. The two tone design with a magnetic closing mechanism makes each closing a wonderful experience. The black wooden cover is laser cut with our logo along with a Japanese pattern which makes the whole package simple, yet elegant. Each box contained 40 sticks of Second Home “Purify” or “Enlightening” incense, each stick could last up to 20 - 25 minutes of burn time. A ceramic incense base is also included in a box for your convenient of use. 

Function of sage

Smudging (sage burning) is a tradition practice of the ancient Chinese, Egyptian, Roman, and Greek for healing, protecting, and increase wisdom.  It is believed that sage has mythical cleansing power that could repel negative energy or purify specific object such as crystal. Indigenous people around the world burn sage to heal, in fact, sage belongs to the Salvia plant family and is derived from the Latin word salvere, which means “ To heal” or “To be well”.


It is fascinating to see indigenous people in different parts of the world have similar smudging practice serve for similar purpose, tho it is not scientifically proven, but I believe there has to be a reason of why this tradition practice passed on generation after generation till now people are still practicing it.Furthermore, smudging can be used to drive unpleasant spiritual entities away if used correctly. It has to be done with care where you must leave your doors or windows open to give them a way out to avoid further exasperation. Mythology aside, A 2005 study showed that common sage oil can improve memory and cognition. In addition, increased dosages were related to improvements in mood and feeling alert, calm, and content. Other researches suggest that active compounds in sage protect against neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s. Moreover, it is proven that burning sage can kill up to 94% of airborne bacteria in a space and disinfect the air. 

Applications of burning sage include: 

  • Improving mood and reducing stress or anxiety.

  • Cleanse and purify negative energy of a specific object, spiritual hygiene.

  • Repel insects. 

  • Improving intuition. 

  • Removing bacteria from the air.

  • Repel unwanted entities 

Each Second Home "Purity" incense is hand-rolled by hand

Function of Palo Santos

Bursera Graveolens, also know as Palo Santos in Spanish, little that you know male and female Palo Santo tree exist. Male trees tend to live up to 200 years, much longer than female trees which live up to 40 to 50 years. Due to this uneven lifespan and gender ratio, it is the female Palo Santo wood that is often collected and used. 

Palo Santos and Sage have similar functions with one key difference. 


It is commonly said smudging with Palo Santos can repel negative energy, which is true but not its forte. Palo Santos is particularly good at bring in positive energy and fine tune a vicinity energy level. Furthermore, unlike burning Sage, there are no additional follow up steps.  The smell of Palo Santos compare to Sage is more subtle with a hint of sweetness and less intense. Although the liking of scent is heavily based on personal preference but the milder scent of Palo Santos is relatively easier to accept. If you practice meditation, had a stressful day, or you simply want to make your home smell fresh then choosing Palo Santo would be a safer bet.  

Applications of burning Palo Santos include: 

  • Promoting calm and relaxing vibe

  • Mildly cleanse and purity negative energy. Palos Santo works with positive energy, it is ideal to use during meditation 

  • Relieve pain including Arthritis, Headache, Throat Pain due to limonene contain in Palo Santos which has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties.

  • Invite positive energy and fine tune the energy level in a vicinity.

  • Repel insect

  • Raise one’s vibration, allowing a deeper connection to the divine. 


Sage VS Palos Santos 

If you are choosing between Sage or Palo Santo to perform a cleansing ritual then it is vital for you to understand their differences and when to use them. A good analogy between the two would be to think of Sage is a strong cleansing agent and it is to use to handle a contaminated surroundings. This heavy duty cleansing agent is so strong it kills 99% germs and both good and bad bacterias that you shouldn’t use it too often. Sage would be a better choice if you have a strong negative energy in the surrounding to move out, for example after a toxic relationship, a lengthy divorce or an intense argument. It is important to note that while Sage would drive negative energy away whilst cleansing, it also drive positive energy away leaving the cleaned space energy neutral, thus follow up steps are needed to restore and invite positive energy back with meditation, intentions, visualisations, positive music, crystal ceremonies, burning essential oils, reiki, and more.

Palo Santo on the other hand is a mild cleansing agent with a sweet aroma that is recommended to use in a daily basis. The cleansing of Palo Santo discourage lingering negative energy and gently drive it away while retaining and invite positive energy makes it perfect for practicing meditation or simply to uplift your mood after a s stressful day. 

Despite Sage and Palo Santo have similar functionality with different strengths, it makes sense to use them together to repel negative energy and the other to bring forth positivity right? Contrary to that, it is not recommended to use them simultaneously as this act might disturb the energy in your space and you may not get everything you should out of the process. The correct steps would be using Sage to drive out negative energy, then use Palo Santo to bring back positivity after. 

Second Home "Purity" and "Enlightenment Incenses"

Above I have stated of how smudging can improve your mental health, brings you with positive energy, or even drive away unwanted entities, having said that smudging requires a lot of attentions and sometimes it is just plainly inconvenient as it takes time and care to practice especially if want to do it in a daily basis. 

Another common problem of smudging is that it produce a lot of ashes and dust. The smudge stick is tied with a small string which burns while smudging. Without the string, Sage leaves and stems just go everywhere. Palo Santo just plain difficult to light up and easily self extinguish not to mention you are suppose to walk around the place you tend to purify thus leaving an ash trail. it is a hassle. Furthermore, you can’t really control the intensity of how the smudge stick burns, it may burn for five minutes and self extinguish, or it burns like a chimney and produce too much smoke. To make matter worst is that you are not suppose to put off the smudge stick in purpose, you are suppose to let it burn for as long as it needs, meaning it could take an hour or more before it self extinguished. 

Second Home “Purify” and “Enlightenment” incenses provide you with the perfect solution. Our “Purity” incenses use common Sage and “Enlightenment” incenses use Palo Santo as it’s main ingredient to provide you with a great scents, other natural ingredients such Scandal wood, Agarwood is used to further enhance its scent and effect. The length and the amount of materials of each incense used is precise, meaning it will not exceed a certain burn time with adequate amount of Sage or Palo Santo scented smoke produced. Also you don’t have to worry it will self extinguish in the middle of the ritual. 

© 2020 by Second Home   -An Abstraction Of Reality-

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